Empowering Q & A

Last night’s episode of Q and A  was really great and very inspiring. Here are two quotes that really got me and that I think would be of benefit to everybody.

Don’t have sex if you don’t want to and if you do want to, do it, but it should be be for yourself, not because you’re beiaid, because you’re being coerced, because you’re being pressured, but because you feel like it.

Kajsa Ekis Elkman, a Swedish woman who condemns surrogacy as a form of child trafficking and a fierce oppon   ent of prostitution.

The second comment that hit me came from social commentator, Jane Caro:

My advice is to be yourself. Do not allow anyone to mould your shape into something that doesn’t feel like you. Be yourself and always say what you think and do not fear what other people think and don’t seek approval.

There were a number of topics that were discussed, these quotes just jumped out at me.

Did anyone else see it?



















What Hope Has Anyone Got When We Have Reality TV?

Soon (if it hasn’t started already), reality show “Please Marry My Boy” will be starting on Prime. For those who don’t know what the show’s about, mothers of men ranging from about 20’s to 40’s play ” matchmaker” if you will, to try and find their sons suitable wives.  Then, I guess, the men have the last say and form a relationships with, I guess, whoever they fall in love with.

Thing is, both the men, and especially the women, are ridiculously attractive. Sure, the mothers talk about values, compatibility, etc but, let’s face it, looks play a MAJOR role in the show.

Now, I’ve said before that for most people, physical attraction plays a big part in how people choose mates, but our society and the media have gone totally nuts! How is society and the media suppose to demonstrate concern  about eating disorders and poor self image and still advertise impossible beauty for both men and women?

Another problem I have about reality shows is how they portray how men and women relate to each other. Sure, it all looks sweet and respectful, but is respect really there? Last year, the Australian season of “The Bachelor” came under fire because one of the contestants accused the bachelor Tim (please forgive me, no idea of his last name. Feel free to tell me if you know), of dragging the girls along when he already knew who he was in love with anyway. One could argue that the former contestant was just jealous, but I think it does raise a serious question: how many people get emotionally hurt throughout these shows and what does that say about relationships? How does that inform the public how to relate to each other, especially in intimate relationships? Is honesty and care somewhat compromised?

i’m saying these things to sound like a bitter bag, seriously, I’m not. I just really question the messages that it sends to people and the effect it has on society and young people in particular. Feel free to add any thoughts you have.